Development of four open pits sequentially

The mine development will comprise the development of four open pits sequentially. The first pit to be developed is KPSE, with a strike length of 7.6 km and to an ultimate pit depth of 99 m. The first pit has a LOM of 6 years. Thereafter KPSW and KPE will be developed, and finally KPE will be developed.

A mining schedule for each of the open pits was developed. The mining will be undertaken by a mining contractor. There will be an owner's team geology and MRM department for the oversight and control of the mining operations.

The basis of the scheduling model is the selection of a mining cut. The mining cut selection ensure that the targeted reef within the defined ore body was selected to achieve the same grade produced in the whittle optimisation process.

The base case LOM schedule was derived from an iterative approach to maximise grade and match the targeted feed grade to the concentrator with a minimum stockpile build-up. The stockpile will be used to regulate the feed grade throughout the LOM.

Management team on site Open pit