The Great Dyke is a PGM bearing geological feature that runs from north to south direction, and it is approximately 550 km in length and up to 11 km wide, second to the Bushveld Complex of South Africa in terms of its PGM resource base. It is sub-divided into distinct sub chambers, namely the Musengezi, Darwendale, Sebakwe, Wedza and Selukwe sub chambers.
The Great Dyke bisects the country in a north-north-east orientation and is a 2.5-billion-year-old layered igneous intrusion comprising igneous rocks ranging in composition from ultramafic to mafic.
The Karo project area is located on both the eastern and western flanks of the Great Dyke, which hosts the Main Sulphide Zone ('MSZ'). There is no outcrop as the mafic and ultramafic rocks weather easily to a black cotton soil. The area is underlain by both the mafic and ultramafic sequences dipping at 20° to the east on the western side of the Great Dyke and 32° to the west on the eastern side of the Great Dyke. The MSZ is estimated to be approximately 700 m deep in the southern end of the tenement, up to 1 000 m deep in the centre, and 600 m deep in the northern end of the tenement. Based on the drilling a number of faults have been interpolated. These are assumed to be vertical and trend east west.
The project is located in the Mashonaland West province of Zimbabwe, approximately 80 km southwest of Harare and 35 km southeast of Chegutu. The country is well connected by road and rail infrastructure, with several border crossings from this land locked country. The project area covers approximately 23 903 ha located on the Great Dyke.
The project is located south of the Zimplats Selous Metallurgical Plant and north of the Zimplats Ngezi operations. It is accessible by tar road from Harare, and the closest railway line is approximately 22 km direct distance from the project site. The Ngezi Mining Lease area borders directly to the south.