Provisions for the bulk electricity supply was developed in coordination with the Zimbabwean Electrical Transmission and Distribution Company (’ZETDC’). The initial demand is stated as 30 MW at project initiation and will be supplied from the existing Selous substation with the electrical loads located at the two substation positions in the central east and southwest.

Total Eren, a leading France-based renewable energy Independent Power Producer and Chariot Limited (’Chariot’), the Africa focused transitional energy group, were in attendance, with Total Eren having signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to partner on and develop, finance, build and operate a 30 MWp solar photovoltaic (PV) project that will provide competitive solar electricity for the Karo Platinum Project in Zimbabwe. Total Eren and Chariot are also partners in developing a 40 MW PV plant at Tharisa’s existing tier 1 PGM and chrome mine in South Africa, designed to ensure Tharisa exceeds its desired carbon emission reduction target of 30% by 2030 and carbon net neutrality by 2050, and providing synergies in building both power projects.

400 m3/hour
constant water supply
Surface and ground water is available
30 MWp
solar photovoltaic (PV)
Grid power supplied from existing Selous substation


An investigation was completed to assess the feasibility of utilising groundwater as a sustainable water source for the concentrator operations, which target a constant supply of 400 m3/hour of water. Field investigations included amongst others, a hydrocensus, geophysical surveys, drilling and testing of new production test boreholes with due consideration given to potential impacts on existing groundwater users.

In addition, a surface water supply desktop study was completed to determine whether surface water sources within Karo Mine catchment and the neighbouring catchments could be considered as sources of surface water supply to be used in conjunction with ground water sources in satisfying the water requirements of the Karo project.

The studies concluded that sufficient water is available utilising a combination of surface and ground water. Additionally, the capacity of the Mangwana dam will be increased. The capacity of the return water dam, located at the TSF, was also increased to maximise storage capacity.
