Engagement: Community engagement is at the heart of Karo's approach to building strong, trusting relationships with neighbouring communities. To this end, Karo's community department has convened a number of meetings to share information regarding the project and to provide community members with an opportunity to raise concerns or queries regarding the company. A grievance mechanism has also been developed to reinforce this process.
Resettlement: In accordance with the Resettlement Action Framework developed as part of the Plant & Mine ESIA, two distinct Resettlement Action Plans are currently being developed, for the southern-most extension of the first pit, referred to as KPSE and for Chirundazi dam respectively.
In KPSE, up to 15 households may need to be relocated before mining can begin. Some engagement has already been undertaken with affected households, and a potential resettlement site has been identified with the assistance of the Ministry of Lands. Further studies are required however to ascertain the full extent of this resettlement operation.
In the Chirundazi dam area, five to six households will need to be relocated and suitable replacement land identified to re-establish the small-scale, seasonal vegetable gardens established on the river and existing weir’s edge. Initial engagement has been undertaken with all affected parties, including the local and customary authorities. Steps are currently being taken to appoint a suitably qualified consultant in Q2 2024 to develop both the RAP and the Livelihood Restoration Plan.
Engagement : community engagement is at the heart of Karo's approach to building strong, trusting relationships with neighboring communities. To this end, Karo's community department has convened a number of meetings to share information regarding the project and to provide community members with an opportunity to raise concerns or queries regarding the company. A grievance mechanism has also been developed to reinforce this process. Resettlement: a comprehensive Resettlement Action Plan is being developed to support the resettlement of 11 households currently established on the southern-most section of the pit. From the outset, Karo has engaged regularly with each of these households, directly and by means of the Resettlement Working Group (RWG). By this means, agreement has been secured regarding the entitlement framework, the replacement land provided by the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural development, and the design of replacement housing and infrastructure. The livelihood restoration plan is due to be presented to the RWG in Q3 2023 for approval, before works begin in the host site in Q4.
Community development: Though still in construction phase, Karo will seek to support community development initiatives in the project's immediate vicinity. In this context,
Karo will also endeavour to enlist the support its key contractors in supporting such initiatives.